Old Ashfoldians

Ashfold has educated thousands of children since its foundation in Surrey in 1927 and this page is intended to keep all our Old Ashfoldians abreast of our OA news and events.

Many OAs tell us that they regard their time at Ashfold as simply the best years of their lives. We would love you to get in touch .

We are really keen to spread the word about our Reunions and Events in order to reach as many OAs as possible, particularly those who haven’t been in touch since they left. With our Centenary just around the corner, this is a time to celebrate everything that’s Ashfold and get reacquainted with former classmates and teachers.

Headmaster's message for OAs about Ashfold's centenary 




Old Ashfoldian Photos - 1986 to 1998



Old Ashfoldian's Newsletter

We are delighted to share links to our Old Ashfoldians' Newsletter:

Old Ashfoldian's Newletter - Summer 2024

Old Ashfoldian's Newletter - Spring 2024

Old Ashfoldian's Newletter - Autumn 2023

Old Ashfoldian's Newletter - Summer 2023

Old Ashfoldian's Newletter - Spring 2023Old Ashfoldian's Newletter - Autumn 2022Old Ashfoldian's Newletter - Summer 2022Old Ashfoldians' Newsletter - Spring 2022Old Ashfoldians' Newsletter - Autumn 2021 


Old Ashfoldian Reunions

In September, we held our first OA Reunion in London at The Otherist bar in Old Broad Street. Although it was open to all OAs, it became clear that the majority of those attending would be from the cohort of 2008. It was great to catch up with them and find out what they were doing now.

In May, we were delighted to host another reunion, this time at Ashfold and it was wonderful to see so many old friends - see photos in the gallery at the bottom of the page.

Creedo Talk

We were thrilled to be able to welcome OA, David Cannon (1968), to school to give the inaugural Creedo talk to the children, OAs and guests on Thursday 5 May.

David is a renowned sports photographer, and has taken some amazing sports photos over his 35 year career. 

The selection of photographs he showed the children covered many tournaments and events plus gymnastics, skiing, horse-racing and Olympic Games, as well as corporate photographs taken in Dubai. The children were fascinated and had many questions for him including "how did you not fall out of that helicopter or drop your camera when you were taking photos of Tiger Woods hitting golf balls at you from the helipad of the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai?". The answer was, he (and his camera) were in a harness.

David Cannon Ashfold School


90th Anniversary

In 2018, we celebrated Ashfold's 90th anniversary with an OA's reunion at school.

A group of 70 Old Ashfoldians perused the archive and took tours of the School with the Sixth Form before heading to Dorton Church for a service of thanksgiving led by OA, Revd Richard Miller.

After lunch in the marquee, OAs spent the afternoon reminiscing, catching up with old friends and watching our annual Athletics Finals.

It was wonderful to welcome both OAs and former members of staff to this special celebration. There are lots of stunning photos of the reunion in the School Gallery.

We are now looking forward to our 100th Anniversary.


Get in Touch

If you would like to stay in touch and share your news or take part in our OA events, please register or send us a message

We look forward to hearing from you!

Fiona Russ
Head of Alumni Relations


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